Friday, December 21, 2007

December 20/21: Final Exam

1) Tricky Vocabulary Review Game. We played the "Golden Chair" game and the winners were Joe Stradling and Brian Neff

2) Final Exam. Grades are posted and the actual score was a 96. Good job this wacky semester!


1) Relax and Rest!

(If you want to get ahead, read chapter 11 and do the notecards!)

See you January 8th!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

December 17: Review Game

1) No Neuron Note.

2) You evaluated me.

3) Tricky Vocabulary Review Game. You played the "Golden Chair" game today, challenging students to answer the questions as quickly as possible. We will play the review game before we take the final exam. The winner of the game will not have to take the final and get 100%!!!



2) Final Exams. 2B on Thursday at 10:40. 3B on Friday at 8:10.

Friday, December 14, 2007

December 13: Review

1) No Neuron Note.

2) Chapters 9 and 10 Test Review. We went over the correct answers on the Memory and Cognition test. There were obvious problems with the questions related to: iconic memory, proactive/retroactive interference, availability/representativeness heuristics.

3) Tricky Vocabulary Review Game. We graded the list of 185 questions of the tricky vocabulary from chapters 1-10. Then we started the review game where you will challenge another student to answer the questions as quickly as possible. We will play the review game on Monday and before we take the final exam. The winner of the game will not have to take the final and get 100%!!!


1) Study "Tricky Vocabulary" list.

2) Final Exams. 2B on Thursday at 10:40. 3B on Friday at 8:10.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

December 11: Chapter 9/10 Test (SNOW!!!)

Today we had yet another shortened class because of the late start from the snow. YEAH!

1) Neuron Note. You read answers from the Neuron Note. You do not need to write a new question on test days.

2) Since we only had 70 minutes for class, we immediately started the 100 multiple choice test on chapters 9 and 10. If you were absent, you can take the test in the IMC tomorrow with Mrs. Foster. She takes lunch from 11-12. If that does not work, plan to take the test on Thursday.

3) Since the final exam is next week, you received a list of 185 questions of the tricky vocabulary from chapters 1-10. Your job is to try to answer the questions on you own without notes as a review of what you remember. Then, use your notes and textbook to finish the rest of the questions for next class. We will be playing a review game with these vocabulary words.


1) Tricky Vocabulary Review Guide is due next class.

2) Final Exams. 2B on Thursday at 10:40. 3B on Friday at 8:10.

Friday, December 7, 2007

December 7: Language

Today we had the pep assembly so we didn't have as much time as a normal class.

1) Neuron Note. You read answers from last year's Neuron Note and you wrote a new question based on textbook reading. And you got an article on availability heursitic from TIME.

2) Cliches: We talked about insight again and "A-Ha!" moments by looking at a drawing of many goofy pictures for cliches such as: "Time Flies" or "Killing two birds with one stone."

3) Language Notes: We talked about the part of language (phomenes, morphemes, syntax, semantics, grammar), Chomsky vs. Skinner, and the different stages of language development.

4) Discovering Psychology - Language Development: We watched another Philip Z. video. There were some pretty cute kids using language.


1) Chapter 10 pp.413-417 on animals and thinking.

2) Chapters 9 and 10 test is next class on Tuesday, December 11th.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

December 5: Cognition

Today was a late start so we didn't have as much time as a normal class.

1) Neuron Note. You read answers from last year's Neuron Note and you wrote a new question based on textbook reading on memory.

2) We talked about insight and "A-Ha!" moments by trying to figure out riddles together. We had some "A-Ha!" moments and some big groans. ;)

3) Discovering Psychology - Cognitive Processes: We watched another Philip Z. video. It covered major concepts from the beginning of the chapter on cognition that you read last night.

3) Mental Set and Fixedness with Rope Magic: You got a partner and a rope and tried to figure out how to separate once you were intertwined. It was fun and you got to see how you approach problems in the same way over and over.

4) "Memory Pill" article from Newsweek: You had time to read this.


1) Chapter 10 pp.401-412 on language.

2) Chapters 9 and 10 test is Tuesday, December 11th.

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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

December 3: Memory Construction and More

1) Neuron Note. You read answers from last year's Neuron Note and you wrote a new question based on textbook reading on memory. I'll be back on top of your own questions next week.

2) Scientific American Frontiers "Don't Forget" We watched the rest of this video. It covered a study on a man with a super hippocampus who can remember faces, importance of emotions and amygdala with memory, Elizabeth Loftus and how our memories are not accurate, and new research on Alzheimer's.

3) Memory Construction: I shared some more information on Elizabeth Loftus, I gave some websites that might be of interest, and I passed out an interview of her.

4) "Memory Pill" article from Newsweek: You had time to read this.


1) Start chapter 10.

2) Chapters 9 and 10 test is Tuesday, December 11th.