Thursday, February 12, 2009

February 12: Test Review and Free-Response

Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note/Psych News. You wrote a new question and heard new presentations

2) We reviewed the test on Motivation, Emotions, Stress.

3) I presented information on how to respond to free-response questions for the AP test. You were giving your first one to try at home this week.

4) We started talking about Personality and what personality theorists do. We also took a survey to establish our own theory of personality.


1) Read and take notes over chapter 15 pages 587-600.

2) Free-Response. Give yourself 25 minutes to complete it! Good Luck!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

February 10: Test on Ch. 12, 13, 14

Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note/Psych News. You read the responses from the last two classes. You didn't need to write a new question. There were no news presentations.

2) Multiple Choice Test on Motivation, Emotions, Stress. 100 questions from chapters 12, 13, and 14.

3) Pick up Personality Outline.


Read chapter 15 up to page 586.

Friday, February 6, 2009

February 6: Happiness and Stress

Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note/Psych News. I am sorry that I do not have the Neuron Notes completed for today. Twice as many for Tuesday. News in 3B only.

2) Emotions/Stress Activity. We shared and I collected your summary of your experience with detecting deception, or monitoring your anger, or recoding your daily mood, or meditating.

3) Happiness notes and conversation. We looked concepts from the textbook and talked about being happy.

4) "Worried Sick" Video. Awesome Scientific American Frontiers video with Alan Alda on stress. Great research! Don't get stressed!


Study with someone for the test over chapters 12, 13, 14 on Tuesday!!!!

February 4: Fear, Ander, Happiness

Class Activities:

Short period for the Teacher In-Service...bummer!

1) Neuron Note/Psych News. You read last time's responses and you wrote a new question. Then you heard the news presentations.

4) Fear and the Amgydala notes and discussion.

5) Anger and Road Rage notes and discussion.

Bell rang! So much to talk about, so little time.


1) Finish chapter 14.

2) Emotions/Stress Activity due on Friday!

3) Test on Chapters 12, 13, 14 on Tuesday.

February 2: Emotions

Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note/Psych News. You read last time's responses and you write a new question. Then you heard the news presentations.

2) ) Achievement Motivation. We talked about Flow, I/O Psychology, birth order and achievement, desirability of control, purpose in life.

3) How Many Emotions? We tried to make a list. Then we looked at Plutchik's Emotion Wheel and Eckman's Facial Expressions to determine how many emotions exist.

4) Emotions readings/surveys. You worked quietly to read supplemental material that related to the chapter reading.


1) Read chapter 14 up to page 555.

2) Emotions/Stress Activity. Continue working on one of the four activities for this assignment: video taping deception and asking people to detect the lies, recording your daily mood, monitoring your anger, and meditating. It is due on Friday.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

January 29: More Motivation

1) Neuron Note/Psych News. You read last time's responses and you write a new question. Then you heard the news presentations.

2) Pop Quiz on end of Ch. 12 and beginning of Ch. 13.

3) Sexual Orientation. We read the FAQ on sexual orientation from the American Psychological Association and had good conversations about the textbook's research.

3) Motivation in the Workplace. We talked about Flow, I/O Psychology, Birth order and achievement.


1) Read chapter 13 pp. 499-512

2) Emotions/Stress Activity. You can choose between four activities for this assignment: video taping deception and asking people to detect the lies, recording your daily mood, monitoring your anger, and meditating. It is due on Friday, February 6th.

January 27: Motivation

1) Neuron Note/Psych News. You read last time's responses and you write a new question. Then you heard the news presentations.

2) Hunger Motivation. Lecture and discuss on physical changes with hunger, taste preferences, eating habits survey, eating disorders. I will show "Dying To Be Thin" at lunch. It is an excellent NOVA program.

3) Sexual Motivation. Lecture on how this is part of human behavior and there are researchers who try to understand sexual motivation.


1) Read chapter 13 pp. 499-512

2) Don't forget to turn in YOUR Maslow Hierarchy of Needs