Saturday, January 19, 2008

January 18: Test Review and Taking Sides Discussion

Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note. Your wrote a question for the first section chapter 12.

2) Test Review. First you wrote me a little summary of what you do to read the textbook and take notes. Then, we went over the test questions that were most missed by the class. It is really important that you guys study with others to hear someone else's explanation of concepts.

3) Taking Sides Discussion. After reading the two articles about multiple intelligences, you talked with your neighbor and then we talked as a class about the article. We'll try to do this a few more times this semester. You got a list of the other hot topics and you voted for the ones that you'd like to discuss.


1) Read chapter 12 pp. 432-441

2) I'll be checking your notes and notecards on Wednesday.

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