Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Welcome to AP Psych 07-08!

Welcome New AP Psych-os!

AP Psychology starts tomorrow and I am psyched! I hope you all are too. I have everything set for our first meeting and I hope you are daydreaming about all that you will learn in AP Psych! Before I post the details of class, I want to start by explaining why this blogspot exists...

Over the years, I have used many ways to communicate with students regularly outside of class, but this year, I decided to try a blog, so was born. My goal is for you to feel very connected to AP Psych and never feel like you "don't know what is going on." Please bookmark this blogspot and visit it before you go to bed on B days. I will post our class activities, assignments, great websites, fresh ideas, and more.

As you start to use this blog for information, please let me know if you have any suggestions. I think it will be great since I am a part time teacher (B days only), am teaching in P-Wing this year, and am 6 weeks away from having a baby. Despite all those handicaps, AP Psychology will be a fantastic experience and this blog will help us communicate better.

Are you ready to jump right in? I absolutely love teaching about human behavior and truly look forward to learning with you. I have taught AP Psychology part time at LAHS since my first daughter was born in 2002. It is a fascinating class, and my former students and I have worked hard to successfully prepare for the AP Exam. In addition to my enthusiasm, you are getting a bonus this year -- a fabulous substitute teacher while I am out on maternity leave. Mrs. Foster is equally passionate about psychology and is very qualified to teach in my absence.

In conclusion before I go to bed (it's a school night!), let's make this blogspot worthwhile and use it to stay connected. I can't wait to meet you tomorrow...