Sunday, September 16, 2007


Hi AP-Psychos!

How are you doing? I hope that you are studying hard for Tuesday's test on Chapter 2. You are in good hands with Ms. Foster. Make sure you keep up the hard work so you can impress her with your knowledge and skills! :) I miss you all and will try to keep in touch.

As you know, Baby Gus arrived last Monday. Everyday living around the Ovaska household has drastically changed. He is amazing and I look forward to sharing him with you!

Here is the story: Around 6 am on Monday, the 10th, I started having regular contractions. Around 7:30 am, I called Ms. Foster and said, "Today's the day!" When Period 2B was starting, I called the doctor and they said, "Come in!" I waited a bit and went for a short walk since the contractions were only 10 minutes apart and the weather was great. We arrived at the hospital at around the start of Period 3B (when I took this picture of my belly). Then the contractions stopped!

After ~5 hours of irregular contractions, they started again and Gus was born at 6:26 pm. He weighed 7lbs 12 oz. His official name is August Arvo Ovaska. August -- after Eric's uncle Gus who was a fisherman on Lake Superior and Arvo -- after Eric's dad who died when Eric was 20 years old.

Gus was a blue smurf baby since he came fast and we live in the mountains. After a little oxygen and hollering, he was pink and happy. We called all our family and had our daughters, Maddie and Elise, come over and meet him.

The girls were super excited and gave him lots and lots of kisses that night. Gus and I left the hospital Wednesday evening and our family has been lying low since then. We all have a lot of adjusting to do, but Gus seems very settled. He sleeps most of the day and is up from 4 am to 5:30 am at night. (It's a good thing I am not your teacher right now...I don't have all my neurons firing properly...hey, can you explain what happens during action potential for Tuesday's test?).

Who does he look like? 2-year-old Elise or 5-year-old Maddie? I guess we'll have to wait and see.

I hope that you all are well and making the most of AP Psychology. Keep on REALLY reading the chapters, taking THOROUGH notes, and MEMORIZING the vocabulary.

Take care,

Mrs. Ovaska


Jessica said...

yay mrs. ovaska thats so exciting!!! im so happy for you and your whole family! hope all is going well and that you are feeling good. We all miss ya tons!

me said...

He's so cute! Congrats! I hope he sleeps some nights so you can get some rest!