Sunday, April 27, 2008

April 24: Review Outlines DUE! Finish Social Psych

Class Activities:

1) Psych News. 2B is done with presentations. 3B heard from Arianna.

2) Collected Review Outlines. Awesome! You guys did great and I am so proud of you! If you didn't get it done. Send it to me ASAP!!

3) Aggression, Attraction, Altruism. I lectured on these final concepts from the book. Nature vs. Nurture with Aggression. What about the crime rate? Beautiful people win! UGH! Love styles. Bystander intervention. Kitty Genovese. Go and do random acts of kindness.

4) Free-Response on Social Psych. You can do it!


1) Cahpter 1-18 Test is on Monday. STUDY!!

April 18: More Social Psych

Class Activities:

Psych News.

2) Announcements. Final Drafts of Review Outlines due on Thursday, the 24th. I will be gone next class so ask me your questions ASAP. You will watch the videos on the Social Psych experiments next class and I will give you time to meet with your partners to finish up your outlines.

3) Deindividuation, Prejudice, and More Lecture.

4) Review Outline Work Time. Make a plan with your partner, look at extra textbooks, ask questions.


Finish Chapter 18.

2) Review Outlines are due on Thursday.

April 16: Obediance and Conformity

Class Activities:

1) Announcements: Outline progress will be collected on Friday. Your unit outlines need to have the vocabulary, people, and concepts started. And Chapter 18 needs to be read. Stay focused. Lunch Reviews all this week.

2) Lecture on Conformity and Obediance. We talked about why we conform, gave examples. We talked about obedience and why we comply with other (why did you do all those silly things I asked you?). We watched the video clips of Asch's conformity study and the controversial Milgram's study with "shocking" people. Amazing isn't it!?


1) Read chapter 18.

2) Get into your review outline. I'll collect your progress in class next time.

April 14: Test Review and Intro of Social Psych

Class Activities:

Psych News.

2) Announcements. Last class, you selected a unit to become the expert in and you were to get organized over the weekend. It is really important that you work hard on these. You will be sharing this with everyone and so you need to be thorough.

3) Test Review. People did pretty well on this test and so we didn't spend a lot of time going over the questions.

4) Social Psych Lecture. I explained the difference between psychology/sociology/social psychology. We looked at many concepts from the year and how they relate to social psychology (i.e. schema). Social thinking is connected to many of the topics we have already mastered.


1) Read Chapter 18.

2) Work on your outlines.

Friday, April 11, 2008

April 10: Chapter 17 Test

Class Activities:

1) Announcements: Time to hunker down with the AP Exam. Chapter 18 is the last chapter. You will create unit outlines for each other over the next two weeks. Stay focused. Start thinking about all the material. Lunch Reviews over the units will begin next week.

2) Chapter 17 Multiple Choice Test.

3) Chapter 17 Free-Response essay.

4) Review Outline Selection. You choose the topic you will research, review, and explain on an outline for the rest of class.


1) Read chapter 18 up to page 705.

2) Get organized for your review outline.

April 8: UNM Field Trip

Off we went to UNM at 7am...

Dr. Julia Stephen gave us a tour of the MIND Imaging Center. We saw new technology with MEG and BabySquid as well as EEG and MRI.

Psychology Department Chair ,Dr. Ronald Yeo, gave us a nice welcome to the psychology department and all it has to offer.

We visited Dr. Akaysha Tang's rat lab where she is researching what happens to rats who spent 3 minutes away from their mothers for the first three weeks of their lives.

We also visited research labs in positive psychology and health issues including one study with firefighters.

We ate lunch at the duck pond.

We attended the Abnormal Psychology lecture.


1) Chapter 17 Test is on Thursday.