Sunday, April 27, 2008

April 24: Review Outlines DUE! Finish Social Psych

Class Activities:

1) Psych News. 2B is done with presentations. 3B heard from Arianna.

2) Collected Review Outlines. Awesome! You guys did great and I am so proud of you! If you didn't get it done. Send it to me ASAP!!

3) Aggression, Attraction, Altruism. I lectured on these final concepts from the book. Nature vs. Nurture with Aggression. What about the crime rate? Beautiful people win! UGH! Love styles. Bystander intervention. Kitty Genovese. Go and do random acts of kindness.

4) Free-Response on Social Psych. You can do it!


1) Cahpter 1-18 Test is on Monday. STUDY!!

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