Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Welcome New AP Psych-os!

I am psyched! I hope you all are too.

Over the years, I have used many ways to communicate with students regularly outside of class, but the blog has been super helpful since I am only at LAHS on B days. My goal is for you to feel very connected to AP Psych and never feel like you "don't know what is going on." Please bookmark this blog and visit it before you go to bed on B days. I will post our class activities, assignments, great websites, fresh ideas, and more.

In-Class Activities:

1) I welcomed you and told you about myself and the class.

2) We went through the AP Psychology Expectations handout, the College Board's AP Psychology outline, Exam Tidbits, and Advice from Last Year's AP Psych students. This is a college level class and we will be taking the AP exam in May. If this commitment is too much, you should make an appointment with your counselor for a schedule change. Regular Psychology (during 4B) might better suit your needs.

3) You completed a notecard of information about yourself: basic information as well as your strengths/weaknesses/worthwhile learning experiences/ineffective learning experiences.

4) You completed a survey on contentious topics of psychology. We had a Agree/Disagree discussion on the topics of IQ and gender differences. Nature vs. Nurture, man!

Tonight's Assignments:

1) Cover your book
2) Have your parent's sign the AP Psych Expectations handout.
3) Email me at l.ovaska@laschools.net
One topic from you textbook that interests you.
One cool fact about yourself.
4) Read the Prologue pp.1-9 and take superstar notes and make notecards of all the vocabulary in the Prologue.
5) Get a binder with 14 dividers that correspond with the units on the College Board Outline
6) Check out www.apa.org
7) Bring Kleenex

Extra Information:

Not only should you visit this blog at: http://ovaska-appsych.blogspot.com/, the American Psychological Association at: www.apa.org, but you should explore the textbook's website at: http://bcs.worthpublishers.com/myers7e

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