Friday, May 15, 2009


Class Activities:

1) Class Awards:
Best Chapter - Social Psych and Brain
Best Activity - Disorders project (Others...Neuron Model, Naturalistic Observation, Cow Eye)
Most Likely to Get a 5 - Daniel Trugman (And...Lauren, Hannah, Jennifer,...)
Most Likely to Be Psychologist - Craig Mortenson (And...Hannah, and many OTHERS!)
Most Creative - Andrew Vierra (And...Natasha, Craig M., Gwen, Arielle)
Most Likely to Miss Phil Z. - Alex Martin (And...Craig M, Craig S., Rachel)
Most Likely to Remember It all - EVERYONE! :)
Best Review Outline - Sarah & Craig (Brain) and Lauren & Gina (Disorders)
Best AP Psych Class - 2B!!
Class Clown - The Craigs
Best Hair?

Best Chapter - Social Psych (Others...Disorders, Brain, Sensation/Perception...)
Best Activity - Disorders project (Others...Neuron Model, Naturalistic Observation, Cow Eye)
Most Likely to Get a 5 - Alec McNamara (And...Bethany, Yvette, Emma...)
Most Likely to Be Psychologist - Yvette Padilla (And...Emma, Bethany...)
Most Creative - Maslyn Locke (And...Bethany)
Most Likely to Miss Phil Z. - Mrs. Ovaska (And...Everyone!)
Most Likely to Remember It - Alec McNamara (And...Emma, Jacinta Bethany, Brianne, Maslyn)
Best Review Outline - Alec & Bethany (S & P) and Yvette & Maslyn (Brain)
Best News Treat - Amy Casson
Notecard Champions - Emma Carroll and Maslyn Locke

2) "What About Bob?" Movie to Celebrate the hard work you've done in AP Psych.

3) While you watched the movie, you completed the Final Exam of questions including advice for next year's AP Psych students.


Find a book related to psychology to read this summer!

Make the most of all you new psych knowledge!

I'll miss you guys! Keep in touch!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

May 13: YOU DID IT!!

Class Activities:


2) Careers you could have if you are interested in majoring in psychology.

3) Fun.
2B: Presentation from Abnormal Psych Independent Study Dudes on disorders. Great conversation!
3B: Cranium.



Monday, May 11, 2009

May 11: Final Review

Class Activities:

1) Announcements. TEST IS TOMORROW!!!STUDY!! Study those last tricky vocabulary!

2) Review 2004 AP Test. We went through every 100 multiple choice question. Good job everybody! You are doing a good job getting ready for the REAL test!

3) Graded the free-response from the test. Crazy topics, long, but you did it!



Tomorrow! Tuesday, May 12th
12:30-3:30 Be there by 12:20. You get released at 11:30 from 3A.
Speech Theater No food allowed so eat a healthy lunch.
100 Multiple Choice in 70 minutes
2 Free-Response in 50 minutes


Thursday, May 7, 2009

May 7: 2004 AP EXAM (aka Your Final)

Class Activities:

1) Announcements. STUDY!! Review the rubrics for the old free-responses. Determine the last tricky vocabulary for you and study those. Re-read old Neuron Notes. Study those awesome outlines.

2) 2004 AP Test. 100 Multiple Choice.

3) Free-Response 2007 Question 1. Long and hard!



Tuesday, May 12th
Speech Theater
100 Multiple Choice in 70 minutes
2 Free-Response in 50 minutes

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

May 5: More Outlines

Class Activities:

1) AP Test Information. I gave you a letter with all the details of next week's AP test and suggestions from a student who got a 5.

Tuesday, May 12th
Speech Theater
100 Multiple Choice in 70 minutes
2 Free-Response in 50 minutes

Bring pencils, erasers, two black pens.
Don't bring food, phones, notes, books.

2) Free-Responses. We went over the rubrics for the 2005 questions -- Inaccurate Perceptions and Controversial Topics.

3) Review Outlines. We finished going over the summaries!


1) STUDY!! Review these outlines, study all vocabulary, review Neuron Notes.

2) FINAL on Thursday. Old AP Test. 100 Multiple Choice and 1 Free-Response (Last ONE!!)

Friday, May 1, 2009

May 1: More Free-Responses and More Outlines

Class Activities:

1) Psych News. 2B is done with presentations. 3B heard from Kayla.

2) Free-Responses. We went over the rubrics for the 2004 questions -- Dr. Franklin's study on stress and Time -- and the 2003 question on Smoking.

3) Review Outlines. We continued going over these awesome summaries!


1) STUDY!! Review these outlines. Then review the next chapters.

2) Lunch Reviews continue next week.

April 29: Review Test and Start Outlines

Class Activities:

1) Psych News. 2B is done with presentations. 3B heard from Kayla.

2) Test Review. You discovered the areas of psychology that you need to review. Good job! Class medians of 85 and 86 tell me that you learned this year!!

3) Review Outlines. We started going over these awesome summaries! Bring your highlighters!


1) STUDY!! Review these outlines. Then review the next chapters.

2) Lunch Reviews continue. Today is Learning, Memory, Cognition