Tuesday, May 5, 2009

May 5: More Outlines

Class Activities:

1) AP Test Information. I gave you a letter with all the details of next week's AP test and suggestions from a student who got a 5.

Tuesday, May 12th
Speech Theater
100 Multiple Choice in 70 minutes
2 Free-Response in 50 minutes

Bring pencils, erasers, two black pens.
Don't bring food, phones, notes, books.

2) Free-Responses. We went over the rubrics for the 2005 questions -- Inaccurate Perceptions and Controversial Topics.

3) Review Outlines. We finished going over the summaries!


1) STUDY!! Review these outlines, study all vocabulary, review Neuron Notes.

2) FINAL on Thursday. Old AP Test. 100 Multiple Choice and 1 Free-Response (Last ONE!!)

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