Tuesday, August 31, 2010

August 31: Research Methods

In-Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note. You read responses from last class' questions and you asked new questions in regards to the reading.

2) Pop quiz. You used your notes and notecards to answer 6 questions in thorough, yet concise answers. How did you do?! I sure hope that you feel like your notes are very helpful. If you got less than 60%, please contact me for help!

3) We got into our groups from the naturalistic observation. You brainstormed different human behaviors that make us curious. This is what research psychologists do -- spending their days ask questions, using the scientific method to find answers to those questions, refining their questions, and doing more studies. You made a list of interesting behaviors you observed and developed hypotheses based on those interesting behaviors. Then, you tried to operationally define your hypotheses from your observation and determine a plan for trying to do more research on your prediction. We shared our hypothesis with each other. I collected all of the naturalistic work.

4) We took notes over Description Research methods of surveys, naturalistic observation, interviews, case studies and all of pros and cons for using them. Then we took notes over Correlational Research or Non-Experimental Research and how it is used to find associations between variables. We discussed when and why it is used.


1) Read Chapter 1 pp. 41-47 or just finish it!

2) Psych Sim on Descriptive Statistics and Correlation. Use the textbook's website and complete the two simulations. Then practice what you learned with this handout.

3) Test over Prologue and Chapter 1 is next Tuesday (after Labor Day weekend).

August 27: Thinking Critically

In-Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note...You read my responses to last class period's questions and wrote a new question. What do you think of this?

2) You turned in your textbook website assignment. If you were not able to get it done, please do it tonight. FYI: Late work will earn half points and I will not accept it once it becomes a habit.

3) Scissors Game. You passed scissors around the room as I said "Correct" of "Incorrect."
You tried to figure out the rule of this odd game. It was fun and gave you a chance to "feel" the scientific method. Observing, making a hypothesis, doing your research, finding conclusions and doing it all over again.

4) We tried to continue understanding how psychologists use critical thinking to understand behavior and mental processes by taking some notes.

5) We watched the Phil Zimbardo video "Understanding Research" to get our minds turned on to why psychologists do experiments and other types of research. It talked about placebo effect, double-blind studies, correlation is not necessarily causation, placebo effect, and more. http://www.learner.org/discoveringpsychology/index.html

6) You got the Naturalistic Observation assignment. With a partner in class, you must to observe two or more people interacting for ~10 minutes and take notes. Once your notes are complete and before you talk to your partner, you write up a 1-page summary of your observation and then swap with your partner. After reading their response, you record the differences in your observations. You must complete this assignment before class on Friday.

1) Read chapter 1 pp. 31-42
2) Naturalistic Observation

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

August 25: Approaches Posters

In-Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note. You wrote a new question and read the answers to last time's questions.

2) I checked your notecards for the Prologue.

3) Then you did your approaches poster for the different views of human behavior.


1) Start reading Ch.1 p.19-30 and take notes

2) Do the textbook website handout

3) Bring your notecards on Friday if you didn't have them today

Monday, August 23, 2010

School Email Will Not Connect

Hello everyone!

I have been checking my school email since 4:00 to reply to your messages but something cannot connect. I'll respond to your emails as soon as I can! Sorry!

In the meantime, if you are feeling overwhelmed by the start of the school year, you might find some perspective if you watch this:

August 23: Study Skills, Phil Z., and History Lecture

In-Class Activities:

1) You wrote your first Neuron Note. This is a way for you to ask me questions about the reading every class period. If you do not have a question from the reading, you can make a thoughtful comment. I do this activity for many reasons but the main one is so you continually review the reading. Think about it: You read and took notes over the assigned pages at home. Today, you reviewed your notes by thinking about them as you wrote your Neuron Note. Tonight, I will respond to your questions and you will be able to read all the answers on Wednesday. It keeps you reviewing and reviewing the reading. If you do not read, please do not waste your time and my time writing a bogus question. This daily activity is for serious students who have genuine questions and thoughts about the reading.

2) I checked your Book Cover, Parent Signature, Binder with Dividers. You must have a system and these easy activities some me that you are getting yourself organized. I am impressed by some of you. Those of you who could not do these simple assignments need to reconsider whether or not you can keep up with this class. It is an AP elective and you will need to be on top of the assignments. Please think about your ability to participate fully if these easy tasks were too much.

3) Study Skills Assessment. We went over the assignment to assess your study skills. Knowing what kind of learner you are, along with how well you take notes on the reading and lectures, are key to doing well in AP Psych. Please consider all of this as you settle into the routine of this class.

4) We watched the first in a video series called "Discovering Psychology." It is a bit outdated, yet iconic in the world of psychology. Even though the clips are old, it is a fabulous review on the major units of study. Philip Zimbardo, former professor and researcher at Stanford and APA President, is the narrator. Today's video was a simple introduction to psychology with a great review of the major historical figures.

5) I lectured on the History of Psychology: its roots, its beginning as a science and as therapy, as well as current views.


1) Read the rest of the Prologue pp.9-16 Take serious notes and think about what you might ask as a Neuron Note question next class.

2) Send me an email answering one of the eight FAQ of psychology and the name of your Study Buddy.

3) Complete all the vocabulary notecards for the Prologue and Ch.1. If you did the optional summer assignment, please bring your notecards on Wednesday.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

August 19: First Day!

Welcome to AP Psychology!

In-Class Activities:

1) I welcomed you and told you about myself and the class.

2) We went through the AP Psychology Expectations handout, the College Board's AP Psychology outline, Exam Tidbits, and Advice from Last Year's AP Psych students. This is a college level class and we will be taking the AP exam in May. If this commitment is too much, you should make an appointment with your counselor for a schedule change. Regular Psychology might better suit your needs.

3) You completed a notecard of information about yourself: basic information as well as your strengths/weaknesses/worthwhile learning experiences/ineffective learning experiences.

4) Period 2A had the school assembly while Period 4A got to discuss hot topics in psychology such as "Do video games cause one to become more violent?"

Weekend's Assignments:
Quick stuff...
1) Cover your book
2) Have your parent's sign the AP Psych Expectations handout.
3) Get a binder with 14 dividers (that can just be colored paper) that correspond with the units on the College Board Outline

Online activities...
4) Email me at l.ovaska@laschools.net
*One topic from you textbook that interests you.
*One cool fact about yourself.
5) Bookmark this blog and www.apa.org

6) Complete the AP PSYCH STUDY SKILLS ASSESSMENT. This will give you and me a better understanding of your study habits and skills.
* Take the multiple intelligences quiz and think about how you can in corporate those skills into your studying. Here is the link: Find Your Strengths
*Watch 30 minutes of an educational show and take notes. Bring them so I can assess your notetaking.
*Look up the Cornell and SQ3R methods of taking notes on a textbook.
*Assess your time management.

7) Read the Prologue pp.1-9 and take superstar notes and make notecards of all the vocabulary in the Prologue if you haven't.

Oh! I forgot...bring Kleenex if you can! :)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Hello to all of you in AP Psychology at LAHS this year! I hope that you are ready for this challenging, amazing, and fun elective. I am excited to get to know you and share the fascinating world of psychology with you. It is an intrinsically interesting topic so be prepared to have psychology on your brain for the rest of the year!

Since we will be working hard, I hope you are refreshed from your summer vacation. Get ready to put hours and hours into reading our awesome textbook, taking excellent notes, and finding cool articles about the brain.

The goal of this blog is to help you stay connected to psychology beyond class. I'll post our daily class activities and the assignments, along with links to other great websites related to human behavior. Please bookmark it and check it out daily as part of your study routine. The more you talk about psychology, the more you remember, the more you'll learn, and the better you do on the AP exam in May.

If you are absent, use the blog to find out what we did that day and what work you missed. If you came to class but forgot to write down the homework, you also can double-check the blog for all the assignments. If you would like to review what you've learned before a test, you can look at the recent posts.

It is an honor to be your teacher and I look forward to a dynamic school year.

See you tomorrow morning in P5A!