Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Hello to all of you in AP Psychology at LAHS this year! I hope that you are ready for this challenging, amazing, and fun elective. I am excited to get to know you and share the fascinating world of psychology with you. It is an intrinsically interesting topic so be prepared to have psychology on your brain for the rest of the year!

Since we will be working hard, I hope you are refreshed from your summer vacation. Get ready to put hours and hours into reading our awesome textbook, taking excellent notes, and finding cool articles about the brain.

The goal of this blog is to help you stay connected to psychology beyond class. I'll post our daily class activities and the assignments, along with links to other great websites related to human behavior. Please bookmark it and check it out daily as part of your study routine. The more you talk about psychology, the more you remember, the more you'll learn, and the better you do on the AP exam in May.

If you are absent, use the blog to find out what we did that day and what work you missed. If you came to class but forgot to write down the homework, you also can double-check the blog for all the assignments. If you would like to review what you've learned before a test, you can look at the recent posts.

It is an honor to be your teacher and I look forward to a dynamic school year.

See you tomorrow morning in P5A!

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