Wednesday, November 28, 2007

November 27: Ovaska Returns and Test Review

In-Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note. You didn't have answers to read today, but you wrote a new question based on textbook reading on memory. Some of you did not read so plan to get up to speed on the reading assignment listed below.

2) I'm back! And it is time to get used to each other again! :) We spent the beginning of class reviewing the chapters that you studied while I was out on maternity leave. This was good for you -- to see what you remember and good for me -- to see what you know. Thanks to Ms. Foster for all her hard work!

3) Chapter 8 Test Review. We put the test data on the overhead so you could see how you did as a class as well as how you did in comparison with your classmates. Since the highest score was an 96, Ms. Foster curved the test by adding 4 points to everyone's tests. We went over the questions that most students got wrong and you were able to write down the reasoning behind those tricky questions. I also tried to give page numbers so you could look up those concepts again.

General comments about the trickiest questions: Many of you missed the ones related to UCS, UCR, NS, CS, CR Make sure that you can identify those when given an example.


1) Read chapter 9 up to 372.

2) FYI: Chapters 9 and 10 test is Tuesday, December 11th.

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