Thursday, November 29, 2007

November 29: Memory Lecture and Activities

In-Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note. You read answers from last year's Neuron Note and you wrote a new question based on textbook reading on memory. I'll be back on top of your own questions next week.

2) Memory Lecture and Activities: We spent class taking notes and doing activities that relate to the three stages of memory -- Encoding, Storing, and Retrieving. We started by trying to remember the Seven Dwarfs! :) Here were the activities for each stage.
List the Presidents -- Serial Position Effect
Pronounce the sentences vs. Imagine the sentences -- Imagery is key to encoding!
Mnemonics: Peg Word, Method of Loci, Keyword
Trying to remember a series of digits -- 7+/-2
Rajan Mahadevan Video -- Amazing storage of pi 3.14159....
Story of Man with Hippocampus Damage -- STM vs. LTM
Rest, Slumber, Comfort, Awake, etc. NO SLEEP! -- Retrieval Inaccuracy

3) Scientific American Frontiers "Don't Forget" We watched the first ~15 minutes of this video on the man known as EP who has a damaged hippocampus and cannot form new memories and another man who cannot recall information from in past. We'll finish this video next class period.


1) Finish chapter 9 (thru page 382).

2) FYI: Chapters 9 and 10 test is Tuesday, December 11th.

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