Monday, January 14, 2008

January 14: Test Bias/Multiple Intelligences

Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note. You wrote a new question or comment for the reading and read the answers. Keep up your reading!

2) Announcements.
1. Lunch Today: Review of chapter 11 vocabulary

2. Sign the card for Mrs. Brown

3. Bring food on your psych news day

4. Test on Wednesday

3) Definition of Intelligence. I passed out a handout on the different views of it a general ability or specific abilities or how we process information?

4) Chitling Test. You took this IQ test to start our discussion on cultural bias in IQ testing. This test was put together by Adrian Dove, a black sociologist, to challenge the IQ tests of the 1960s and 1970s.

5) "The Mismeasure of Me" Video. Summarizes the problems with IQ testing and the history of the Eugenics. Are there any good ways to measure a human being?

6) Class discussion of Test Bias.

7) Multiple Intelligences. You completely a survey on Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences and we discussed this theory.


1) Finish Chapter 11

2) Chapter 11 Test in on Wednesday.

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