Wednesday, January 9, 2008

January 7: Start of New Semester

SNOW! Two-hour delay shortened our time together today.

Class Activities:

1) No Neuron Note.

2) Assess 1st Semester. You took the time to give me feedback on what worked for you first semester in AP Psych and what you would like to see being done differently.

3) AP Psych News. I passed out the Psych News Packet and you signed up for a day to present and article on psychology to the class. We will practice in the next few classes.

4) Chapter 11 Outline. This unit is on intelligence and testing individual differences.

5) What is intelligence? We made a list of characteristics of smart people we know and considered what is the true definition of intelligence.


1) Email me one topic that interests you for this semester (chapters 11-18)

2) Read Ch. 11 pp.419-432.

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