Wednesday, September 17, 2008

September 17: Hemisphere Dominance

In -Class Activities

1) Neuron Note. You wrote a new questions and I finished answering your questions while you watched the video. 2B got a copy of these answers but 3B was not able to get them since the copier was broken. I went over the answers orally and you can get a copy of the answers at the end of the day.

2) Hemisphere Dominance. We took a little survey to see if you are left/right dominant. This is a bit silly since we all use both sides of our brains ALWAYS! But it gives us a place to start so we understand the specialization of each hemisphere. Then we watched, "Scientific American Frontiers: Pieces of Mind" clip on Michael Gazzinaga's research with split brain patients. WOW!!!

3) "Make Up Your Mind" video. This is more "Scientific American Frontiers" where Alan Alda visits different researchers and shares some amazing findings. 1) Phineas Gage's skull and what we know 2) Children and their fragile memories 3) Moral and difficult decisions and the brain regions 4) Being blind and brain plasticity 5) Missing a brain hemisphere and living normally


1) Finish chapter 2

2) Test on chapter 2 is on Friday! STUDY HARD!

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