Monday, September 29, 2008

September 29: Gender Differences

In-Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note. You read answers to your questions about heritability and more.

2) Striking Similarities. You finished your conversation with your neighbor trying to find similarities between you. Have you traveled to the same places? Do you like the same foods? Are you interested in the same books? The point of this activity is to show that even though identical twins who were separated at birth and reunited might have some striking similarities, so do you when you sit down and talk to someone who is not genetically close to you.

3) Gender Differences Fishbowl Conversation. You wrote anonymous questions to ask the opposite sex and I collected them. They all the ladies got together in a circle, with the guys listening on the outside, to have an honest conversation about them. And then we switched with the guys answering the ladies' question in the circle in order to find out their responses. This allows each gender to get a chance to talk amongst themselves honestly. In the end, we came to the conclusion that all females are not the same and all males are not the same.


1) Start chapter 4.

2) Chapter vocabulary notecards (optional)

3) Extra credit video at lunch all week

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