Wednesday, October 1, 2008

October 1: Gus! Prenatal, Neonatal, Child Development

In-Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note. You read answers to your questions from the last two classes. We are back up to speed with your questions and my answers.

2) LIFE book. We looked at amazing photos of conception, blastocytes, embryos, fetuses. Check it out in the IMC.

3) Gus. My one-year-old joined us today to demonstrate some of his abilities. We looked at the next reading assignment and Gus showed you what he can do from that section! We talked about motor development, object permanence (and we hid toys until a cloth napkin to see what stages he has mastered), attachment (I wore him in a baby carrier when he got crabby), temperament (he is a social child, not inhibited...Jerome Kagan), and self-concept (we made his nose blue to see if he would wipe it off when he looked in the mirror...he didn't...maybe in a few months). Thank for being so good to Gus. I think he had a blast! You are all qualified to be babysitters! :)

4) Child Development Video. We watched the Philip Zimbardo video that showed babies abilities, nature/nurture, Piaget, and some great research on children.


1) Read chapter 4 pp. 143-159.

2) Chapter vocabulary notecards (optional)

3) Extra credit video at lunch B days this week and next week.

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