Wednesday, October 29, 2008

October 27: Perception Organization with Escher

1) Neuron Notes. You wrote a new question on perception and read the answers related to perception.

2) Perception Video. It was a cheesy, educational video but it had some good illusions and concepts to discuss.

3) Perceptual Organization with M.C. Escher drawings. First, we went over different cues and ways to organize sensory information. I gave you a chart you can use to study. Then you worked with a partner and examine one of Escher's drawing (www.worldofescher .com) using the chart of perceptual cues. You did a great job noting if it was you saw relative size or texture gradient.

4) Prosopagnosia article. I gave you an interesting article on people with face blindness.


1) Finish chapter 6.

2) Sensation/Percetion Activity. Choose one of the five activities to really enjoy the concepts from these chapters. It is due on Halloween.

3) Test on Chapter 5 and 6 on Friday! STUDY! This stuff is hard!

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