Monday, October 27, 2008

October 23: Hearing, Touch, Taste, Smell, and Body Position

1) Neuron Notes. You wrote a new question on sensation and read the answers related to sensation.

2) Pop Quiz on Chapter 5. You could use your notes.

3) Hearing, Touching, Tasting, Smelling, and More. We took notes and did a bunch of activities to better understand each sense. We drew the ear, talked about hearing loss, and a volunteer located sounds. We talked about our touch system (cutaneous receptors) as a few students were blindfolded and got to know a lemon and was able to find it again. We talked about how our taste interacts with our other senses as we ate jelly bellies with our noses plugged and then we opened our noses and WOW! We smelled a bunch of odors and tried to identify them without much luck. Our smell is an old, old sense and has an important purpose.


1) Read chapter 6. Start!

2) Sensation/Percetion Activity. Choose one of the five activities to really enjoy the concepts from these chapters. It is due on Halloween.

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