Tuesday, October 21, 2008

October 21: Sensation Thresholds and Vision

1) Neuron Notes. You wrote a new question on sensation and read the answers related to sensory thresholds.

2) Sensation/Perception Video. I love Philip Zimbardo. He summarized sensation and perception in 25 minutes for you.

3) Sensory Thresholds. We took notes on absolute threshold and difference threshold. We did a two demonstrations to help you understand these concepts.

4) Vision Notes. We drew the eye, analyzed the color spectrum and wavelength, talked about the two theories of color vision, and explained depth and distance perception. We did all sorts of demonstrations related to vision.


1) Read chapter 5 pages 211-228. Finish!

2) Make notecards on chapters 5 and 6! I will not check these, but you will do better if you memorize the vocabulary.

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