Friday, October 10, 2008

October 9: Finish Adolescence and then OLD people

In-Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note. You wrote me one more question about development and you read the answers to your last questions.

2) Frontline "Inside the Teenage Brain." We finished watching this.

3) Sing-A-Long. We looked at songs that talk about moving to adulthood and we listened to the perfect song called "Father and Son" by Cat Stevens. Adolescence is the final severing of the umbilical cord for parents and you. It usually isn't easy, but you all can do it! :)

4) Notes on OLD. We talked briefly about what happens as you age and how our culture sees aging as a negative event.

5) "Never Say Die" Video Clip. Alan Alda and Scientific American Frontiers has some great programs and this one is fascinating. What if we "cure" aging!? We watched the segment on Roy Walford M.D.'s calorie restriction diet for longevity. For more information, read: and


1) Finish chapter 4.

2) Developmental Activity. Due on Tuesday. You can try to test object permanence or conservation and better understand Piaget. Or you can ask people the Heinz dilemma and analyze their responses using Kohlberg's moral ladder. Or you can analyze a fairytale using Freud's psychosexual stages of personality development.

3) Test over chapters 3 and 4 is on Tuesday, October 14.

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