Thursday, December 4, 2008

December 4: Cognition

1) Neuron Note. You read answers from last year's Neuron Note and you wrote a new question based on textbook reading on cognition.

2) We talked about insight and "A-Ha!" moments by trying to figure out riddles together. We had some "A-Ha!" moments and some big groans. ;) Then we looked at a picture of cliches for more moments of insight.

3) Discovering Psychology - Cognitive Processes: We watched another Philip Z. video. It covered major concepts from the beginning of the chapter on cognition that you read last night.

3) Cogniton Concepts Clarified. We talked about confirmation bias, availability heuristic, representativeness heuristic, overconfidence.

4) Mental Set and Fixedness with Rope Magic: You got a partner and a rope and tried to figure out how to separate once you were intertwined. It was fun and you got to see how you approach problems in the same way over and over.


1) Chapter 10 pp.401-412 on language. Finish it!

2) Chapters 9 and 10 test is Wednesday, December 10th.

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