Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tuesday, December 16: SNOW DAY!!!

Hey everyone! I am sure you all are singing the praises of a snow day and not even looking at this blog, but I thought I better update you on the final exam and the status of the Golden Chair!

As of 11:00 on today Tuesday, December 16, here is the plan:

Monday, January 5 -- First Semester B Day
We will finish our review game (jot down a note of where you were sitting!) and make up our final this day. Since it a long break and you might forget lots, plan to study your notes and all the outlines to keep it all fresh.

Tuesday, January 6 -- First Day of Second Semester -- 7-Period Day Schedule

Wednesday, January 7 -- Resume Schedule -- A Day

Have a fabulous snow day, common finals time, and winter break! Enjoy this extra needed rest! If you need to talk to me, send an email l.ovaska@laschools.net or give me a call at home 663-0620.

Mrs. O

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