Monday, March 23, 2009

March 23: Review Test

Class Activities:

1) Announcements.

Collect UNM $$ and permission slips. If you are a junior and in good standing in class, you can attend the field trip and miss the SBA test that day. You will need to make up this test during the week of April 20th.

If you are interested in learning more outside the classroom, please join me this Friday night for Los Alamos Little Theater's "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest." It is $10 for students and starts at 7:30. If you cannot attend Friday, it is also playing Saturday, the 28th, Sunday, the 29th (2:00) and next weekend. Los Alamos Little Theater is located behind Central Park Square on Nectar St.

If this is not an option, join me Saturday, April 11th for the Teen Brain Symposium. This is an amzing opportunity to learn a lot from the experts including Abigail Baird, Ph.D. from Vassar College and Mike Weisend, Ph.D. and Sara Feldstein-Ewing, Ph.D. from The Mind Research Network. It couldn't be easier -- they are coming here to UNMLA, it is free, and you get food! Sign up at the JJAB website.

2) Psych News and Neuron Note. We are back into the routine of Neuron Notes and a few people presented news articles so we are all caught up.

3) Review the Ch. 16 Test. We went over the trickiest questions.

4) Grade Free-Responses. We graded the free-responses from last class. Hopefully, you feel like you are getting better at them each week.


1) $$ and permission for UNM field trip due on Wednesday.

2) Read chapter 17 up to page 685.

3) One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Friday 7pm.

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