Thursday, April 23, 2009

March 25: Treatment Lecture

Class Activities:

This is another shortened day.

1) Collect UNM $$ and permission slips. If you are not going on the field trip, you will meet in here and have a work period.

2) Neuron Note/Psych News. You wrote a new question and listened to news.

3) Lecture on Treatment. I explained the five major types of psychotherapy: psychoanalysis, humanism, behavioral, cognitive, and biomedical. While you took notes and watched video clips, I tried to systematically desensitize you to crickets. We looked at them, learned about them, touched them, and a few even ate them. ;)


1) Handout for UNM field trip. Visit the psych department's website and answer questions.

2) Finish Chapter 17 over spring break. Test will be the Tuesday after spring break.

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