Thursday, April 23, 2009

April 7: Test on Treatment

Class Activities:

1) Announcements: Field Trip on Thursday. See you bright and early (6:45am) in Smith for a fun day at UNM. Then it is time to hunker down with the AP Exam. Chapter 18 is the last chapter. You will create unit outlines for each other over the next few weeks. Stay focused. Start thinking about all the material. Lunch Reviews over the units will begin next week.

2) Chapter 17 Multiple Choice Test.

3) Chapter 17 Free-Response essay...just outline it! :)


1) UNM assignment. Bring the website assignment on the bus on Thursday.

2) Review Outlines. We'll assign the topics for the review outlines on the bus.

Review Outline Selection. You choose the topic you will research, review, and explain on an outline for the rest of class.

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