Monday, April 27, 2009

April 27: Chapters 1-18 Test

Class Activities:

1) Announcements: Time to hunker down with the AP Exam. You finished the textbook. High Five! You became the expert in one area of psychology and created a unit outline for your classmates. Now it is time to stay focused, think about all the material, review, review, and review some more!! Lunch Reviews over the units will continue.

2) Chapters 1-18 Multiple Choice Test.

3) Free-Response essay.


STUDY for the AP Exam (May 12th in the afternoon).

Review chapters 1-6 for next class. Chapters 7-14 for Friday. Chapters 15-18 for Tuesday.
Re-read Neuron Notes.
Have someone quiz you on all vocabulary.
Got together with friends and see how many psych concepts you can describe from your life.

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