Thursday, February 4, 2010

February 1: Eating Disorders/Start Emotions

Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note/Psych News. You read last time's responses and you write a new question. Then you heard the news presentations. 2B Mika Reagor 3B No one

2) Guest Speaker on Disordered Eating. You heard from a 38-year-old woman who has struggled with control and eating since she was 13. She shared her story and you were able to ask questions.

3) Emotions readings/surveys. We talked about a few supplemental readings that relate to the chapter reading on emotions.


1) Read chapter 14 up to page 555.

2) Emotions/Stress Activity. Continue working on one of the four activities for this assignment: video taping deception and asking people to detect the lies, recording your daily mood, monitoring your anger, and meditating. It is due on Friday.

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