Thursday, February 4, 2010

February 3: Emotions

Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note/Psych News. You read last time's responses and you wrote a new question. Then you heard the news presentations 2B Shaina 3B Doug and Laura.

2) How Many Emotions? We tried to make a list. Then we looked at Plutchik's Emotion Wheel and Eckman's Facial Expressions to determine how many emotions exist.

3) Emotions readings/surveys. We finished the discussion on supplemental material that related to the chapter reading.

4) Fear. What are you afraid of? The Amgydala notes and discussion. Can you be scared to death?

5) Anger. Fried Green Tomatoes Clip. Road Rage notes and discussion. How comfortable are you with your anger?


1) Finish chapter 14.

2) Emotions/Stress Activity due on Friday! You are either video taping deception and asking people to detect the lies, recording your daily mood, monitoring your anger, and meditating.

3) Test on Chapters 12, 13, 14 on Tuesday.

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