Tuesday, March 2, 2010

February 26: Trait, Social-Cognitive, the Self

Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note/Psych News. You wrote a new question and read the answers to your questions.

2) Pop Quiz. :)

3) Finish Trait Perspective:

Quick Overview on Keirsey results.

Big Five Survey: You got your score of extraversion, emotional stability, openness, agreeableness, conscientiousness.

4) Social Cognitive Perspective.
Reciprocal Determinism clarification.

"Shindler's List" clip: The Jewish maid has lost all sense of control in her life. Have you ever felt a lack of control? What does that do to your personality?

Locus of Control Survey.

4) The Self.

Self-Esteem survey and evaluation. Notes on self-esteem.


1) STUDY!!! Test on chapter 15 on Tuesday, March 2nd. Multiple Choice

2) Please re-write your free-responses using the rubrics so you get all the points. We are going to have Free-Response Day on Thursday. You need more clarification as you strt doing these.

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