Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Feburary 24: Defense Mechanisms, Humanism, Trait Theory

Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note/Psych News. You wrote a new question and read the answers to your questions.

2) Defense Mechanisms in Your Life. You shared stories about how these happen in your life and turned in your work.

3) Humanistic Perspective.

"Dead Poet's Society:" Neal tries to be true to himself but his father's expectations bury him.

Perceived vs. Ideal Self: Are they the same? Can we self-actualize?

Obstacles of Self-actualization

4) Trait Perspective.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Notes.

Keirsey Temperament Sorter: You completed the survey and found your "type" (i.e., ENFJ)


1) Finish chapter 15.

2) Keirsey Terperament Sorter. Finish this at home!

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