Wednesday, September 15, 2010

September 15: Playdoh Brains

In-Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note. You read the answers and wrote one more good question related to the reading. I think this activity is really working out for us. Make the most of the reviewing.

2) I checked notecards again. I have to say that some of you are settled in and have a good little system!! :) Study those notecards this week so you can look at all the details over the weekend.

3) Pop Quiz on Ch.2 up to page 85.

4) Play-doh Brains. We made brains using play-doh. We started from the spinal cord, built the brain stem, added the limbic system, and finished with the cerebral cortex. I tried to make it "real." Make sure you know the parts, where they are located and what they do.


1) Read chapter pp..85-93. Hey, you might as well finish it!

2) Study those vocabulary notecards. Come to class with the 5 that are still hard for you.

3) "Preparation for the Test" Assignment. Choose from 4 different creative activities to make sure you know 10 parts of the brain really well. It is due on Tuesday before the test!

FYI: TEST on Tuesday!

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