Thursday, September 2, 2010

September 2: Experimentation & Statistics

In-Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note: You wrote one last Neuron Note before the test and you read the answers to last class' questions.

2) I collected the Psych Sim: Statistics assignment and checked your chapter 1 notecards.

3) Finish Notes on Experimentation. We analyzed the five basic parts of an experiment: Hypothesis, Independent Variable, Dependent Variable, Experimental Group, and Control Group. You heard about Theresa Amabile's experiment examining creativity and competitive rewards. We dissected her experiment into the five basic elements. We also discussed operational definitions, confounding variables, random assignment, lab vs. field experiments, and replication. If you are still having trouble with this, talk to me or your study buddy before the test!

5) Central Tendency and Height. You all became "data" and we organized ourselves into a dichotomy, trichotomy, continuum, range, and histogram with mean, median, mode.

6) Standard Deviation Notes. We went step-by-step through the calculations of standard deviation using the example of punting distances. I explained the Normal Curve and its key percentages: 68%, 95%, 99.7%

7) Correlation Coefficient Notes. You do not need to know how to calculate it, but you do need to know what it means. There are two major questions to ask: Is it positive or negative? What is the strength? We went through examples and I encouraged you to find more in your life.

8) We tried out the new video series, "Inside Out" with the episode called "Endless Questions." It is a good summary for chapter 1.


1) Finish Chapter 1

2) Study for the first big test on Tuesday. 100 Multiple Choice Questions in 70 Minutes. Get together with your study buddy. Review flashcards. Re-read the sections that were confusing. Send a message me. Good Luck! Remember to overlearn!

3) Placebo Effect Extra Credit DVD at lunch if you are interested...

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