Tuesday, October 12, 2010

October 12: Aging

In-Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note. You read answers to your questions and write a new question.

2) Developmental Activity. I collected your fun work on Piaget, Kohlberg, or Freud. :) Thank you!

3) Emerging Adulthood. The final severing of the umbilical cord! :) You are moving away from your parents and they from you, but it is not easy and no one is sure they really want to. Sometimes it is simple -- you spend more time away from home because of your new job. Sometimes it is hard -- you fight and slam doors and shut each other out.

4) Sing-A-Long. "Father and Son" says it perfectly. :) Enjoy!

5) Old, like me! :) There is not a lot of positive vibes for aging. People are not talked about as wise or experiences, but wrinkly and crabby. We looked at birthday cards and their negative message on aging.

6) "Never Say Die" Scientific American Frontiers. Fabulous information on research on aging! Eat Less, Live Longer. What do you think?


1) Finish Chapter 4 if you haven't.

2) Chapter 3 AND 4 test is on Friday! Study like mad.

Class Activities: Collect Stage Theorists Assignment, Discuss Adulthood, DVDs Inside Out Ch. 4 and Never Say Die
Assignment: STUDY!!

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