Thursday, October 7, 2010

September 27: Evolutionary Psych & Behavior Genetics

Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note. You got a chance to read some very interesting Neuron Note questions and answers...identical twins, heritability, Human Genome Project. I checked notes. Those of you who earned less than the mean on the tests need to try a new method of notetaking.

2) Evolutionary Psychology Survey: This gave us a chance to talk about how evolutionary psychologists talk about human behavior and our underlying motivations to perpetuate our genes. Who would you save if your boat sinks? Would you rather marry someone older or younger? It is a fun view of human behavior.

2) Gattaca. We watched the two great video segments from NOVA Science NOW. Personal DNA testing: The second is about Epigenetics: Think about how genetics could play in the future. If you love this stuff watch Gattaca for fun. Here is the story: The main character is one of the last "natural" babies born into a world where parents meet with the local geneticist to determine what traits they want they new child to have. Because of the knowledge that comes from genes, life expectancy and disease probabilities are known at birth. Since he is not genetically perfect, he has no chance of a career in a society that now discriminates against your genes, instead of your gender, race or religion. Until he assumes the identity of another perfectly genetic man... Watch the rest of it for a great conversation with your family and friends that relates to this chapter.

3) Jigsaw on Behavior Genetics, Evolutionary Psychology, and the Role of the Environment: you read one set of articles about hot topics and shared your information with a small group and listened to the other information they discovered in their readings.


1) Finish chapter 3.

2) Take very ACTIVE notes! I'll check again on Wednesday.

3) Chapter 3 and 4 vocabulary notecards (optional)

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