Thursday, February 28, 2008

3B Only! February 28: Humanistic and Trait Theories

Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note/Psych News. You wrote a new question and read the answers to your questions. 3B heard the news presentation from Danielle.

2) Grade Free-Responses. These were the questions from 2004.

3) Humanistic Perspective.

"Dead Poet's Society:" Neal tries to be true to himself but his father's expectations bury him.

Perceived vs. Ideal Self: Are they the same? Can we self-actualize?

Obstacles of Self-actualization

4) Trait Perspective.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Notes.

Keirsey Temperament Sorter: You completed the survey and found your "type" (i.e., ENFJ)

Big Five Survey: You got your score of extraversion, emotional stability, openness, agreeableness, conscientiousness.


1) Finish chapter 15. Test on Wednesday, March 5th.

2) Personality Free-Response. Use this to practice before next week's test. Due on March 5th.

2B Only! February 28: Social-Cognitive Theories and the Self

Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note/Psych News. You wrote a new question and read the answers to your questions. 2B heard the news presentation from Mary.

2) Social Cognitive Perspective.

Reciprocal Determinism clarification.

"Shindler's List" clip: The Jewish maid has lost all sense of control in her life. Have you ever felt a lack of control? What does that do to your personality?

Locus of Control Survey.

3) The Self.

Self-Esteem survey and evaluation. Notes on self-esteem.

The Dark Side of Self-Esteem notes and discussion.

Biased Self-Ratings. Better-than-average Phenomenon.

Self-Handicapping. Don't create an excuse for failure on Wednesday's test!


1) STUDY!!! Test on chapter 15 on Wednesday, March 5th. Multiple Choice and Free-Response

2) Personality Free-Response. Use this to practice for the test. Due on Wednesday.

2B Only! February 26: Humanism and Trait Theories

Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note/Psych News. You wrote a new question and read the answers to your questions. 2B heard the news presentation from Ashlynn.

2) Grade Free-Responses. These were the questions from 2004.

3) Humanistic Perspective.

"Dead Poet's Society:" Neal tries to be true to himself but his father's expectations bury him.

Perceived vs. Ideal Self: Are they the same? Can we self-actualize?

Obstacles of Self-actualization

4) Trait Perspective.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Notes.

Keirsey Temperament Sorter: You completed the survey and found your "type" (i.e., ENFJ)

Big Five Survey: You got your score of extraversion, emotional stability, openness, agreeableness, conscientiousness.


1) Finish chapter 15.

2) Personality Free-Response. Use this to practice before next week's test. Due on March 5th.

February 22: Freud and Psychoanalysis

Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note/Psych News. You wrote a new question and read the answers to your questions. 2B heard the news presentation from Craig. 3B didn't have a news presentation

2) Pop Quiz over pages 575-600.

3) Freud. We took a survey to see if psychoanalysis is in our lives today. Then we took notes on Freud. We watched an A & E Biography on Freud's life. Then we completed a handout of defense mechanisms to understand the examples of each type.


1) Read and take notes over chapter 15 pages 600-614.

2) Two Free-Response Questions. Give yourself 50 minutes at home to read, outline, and write each essay. This is exactly like you will do the free-response essays on the AP Psych test.

February 20: Test Review and Personality Intro

Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note/Psych News. You wrote a new question. 2B heard the news presentatio from Stephanie. 3B heard the news presentations from Brett.

2) We reviewed the test on Motivation, Emotions, Stress.

3) We graded the free-response about Development with the rubric.

4) We started talking about Personality and what personality theorists do. We also took a survey to establish our own theory of personality.


1) Read and take notes over chapter 15 pages 587-600.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

February 14: Test on Ch. 12, 13, 14

Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note/Psych News. You read last time's responses and you didn't need to write a new question. There were no news presentations in 2B. 3B heard the news presentations from Lauren Doyle.

2) Multiple Choice Test on Motivation, Emotions, Stress. 100 questions from chapters 12, 13, and 14.

3) Pick up Personality Outline This next unit will be a bit wacky with the junior testing schedule February 25 & 26 and March 3 & 4.

4) Pick up Free-Response Assignment.

Write in black ink, use paragraphs, be thorough but concise, sound like a psychologist not a layman, figure out how many points there are, create a rubric before you write to organize your thoughts. Good Luck!


1) Read and take notes over chapter 15 up to page 568.

2) Free Response essay is due next class.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

February 12: Stress

Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note/Psych News. You read last time's responses and you write a new question. There were no news presentations in 2B. 3B heard the news presentations from Burgandy Brock.

2) Pop Quiz on chapter 14.

3) Statistics Free-Response. We talked about free-response essays and then we
"graded" them using the rubric from the AP Readers. Things to consider:

Write in black ink, use paragraphs, be thorough but concise, sound like a psychologist not a layman, figure out how many points there are, create a rubric before you write to organize your thoughts, use all of your time.

4) "Worried Sick" Video. Awesome Scientific American Frontiers video with Alan Alda on stress. Great research! Don't get stressed!


1) Study with someone for the test over chapters 12, 13, 14 on Thursday!!!!

February 8: Happiness and Stress

Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note/Psych News. You read last time's responses and you write a new question. Then you heard the news presentations from Jason Grider in 2B but no one presented in 3B.

2) Emotions/Stress Activity. We shared and I collected your summary of your experience with detecting deception, or monitoring your anger, or recoding your daily mood, or meditating.

3) Happiness notes and conversation. We looked concepts from the textbook and talked about being happy.

4) We completed some surveys of stress. How vulnerable are you? How does your body respond? How many stressful events have you had? Are you Type A personality?


1) Read chapter 14. Finish it.

2) Statistics Free-Response. This is your first attempt to complete a free-response essay question. We are starting to practice these in preparation for the AP exam. It is due on Tuesday.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

February 6: More on Emotions

Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note/Psych News. 2B read last time's responses and you wrote a new question. Then you heard the news presentations from in 2B and Cassandra in 3B.

2) Reviewed last class activity. We talked about the extra readings together.

3) Fear and the Amgydala notes and discussion.

4) Anger and Road Rage notes and discussion.


1) Read chapter 14 pp.531-555

2) Emotions/Stress Activity due on Friday, February 8th.

Monday, February 4, 2008

February 4: Desirability for Control and Emotions Intro

Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note/Psych News. You read last time's responses and you write a new question. Then you heard the news presentations from Joseph Stradling in 2B and Shedong Chen and Chloe Kuntz-Phillips in 3B.

2) Desirability of Control. We completed a survey and talked about internal vs. external locus of control.

3) Emotions readings/surveys. You worked quietly to read supplemental material that related to the chapter reading. Since it was a snow delay today, you need to finish this a home tonight.


1) Read chapter 13 pp. 512-529

2) Emotions/Stress Activity. Continue working on one of the four activities for this assignment: video taping deception and asking people to detect the lies, recording your daily mood, monitoring your anger, and meditating. It is due on Friday, February 8th.

January 31: Achievement Motivation

Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note/Psych News. You read last time's responses and you write a new question. Then you heard the news presentations from Amanda Stephens in 2B and Brian Neff in 3B.

2) Sexual Orientation. We read the FAQ on sexual orientation from the American Psychological Association.

3) Motivation in the Workplace. We talked about Flow, I/O Psychology, Birth order and achievement.


1) Read chapter 13 pp. 499-512

2) Emotions/Stress Activity. You can choose between four activities for this assignment: video taping deception and asking people to detect the lies, recording your daily mood, monitoring your anger, and meditating. It is due on Friday, February 8th.