Monday, February 4, 2008

February 4: Desirability for Control and Emotions Intro

Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note/Psych News. You read last time's responses and you write a new question. Then you heard the news presentations from Joseph Stradling in 2B and Shedong Chen and Chloe Kuntz-Phillips in 3B.

2) Desirability of Control. We completed a survey and talked about internal vs. external locus of control.

3) Emotions readings/surveys. You worked quietly to read supplemental material that related to the chapter reading. Since it was a snow delay today, you need to finish this a home tonight.


1) Read chapter 13 pp. 512-529

2) Emotions/Stress Activity. Continue working on one of the four activities for this assignment: video taping deception and asking people to detect the lies, recording your daily mood, monitoring your anger, and meditating. It is due on Friday, February 8th.

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