Tuesday, February 12, 2008

February 12: Stress

Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note/Psych News. You read last time's responses and you write a new question. There were no news presentations in 2B. 3B heard the news presentations from Burgandy Brock.

2) Pop Quiz on chapter 14.

3) Statistics Free-Response. We talked about free-response essays and then we
"graded" them using the rubric from the AP Readers. Things to consider:

Write in black ink, use paragraphs, be thorough but concise, sound like a psychologist not a layman, figure out how many points there are, create a rubric before you write to organize your thoughts, use all of your time.

4) "Worried Sick" Video. Awesome Scientific American Frontiers video with Alan Alda on stress. Great research! Don't get stressed!


1) Study with someone for the test over chapters 12, 13, 14 on Thursday!!!!

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