Thursday, February 14, 2008

February 14: Test on Ch. 12, 13, 14

Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note/Psych News. You read last time's responses and you didn't need to write a new question. There were no news presentations in 2B. 3B heard the news presentations from Lauren Doyle.

2) Multiple Choice Test on Motivation, Emotions, Stress. 100 questions from chapters 12, 13, and 14.

3) Pick up Personality Outline This next unit will be a bit wacky with the junior testing schedule February 25 & 26 and March 3 & 4.

4) Pick up Free-Response Assignment.

Write in black ink, use paragraphs, be thorough but concise, sound like a psychologist not a layman, figure out how many points there are, create a rubric before you write to organize your thoughts. Good Luck!


1) Read and take notes over chapter 15 up to page 568.

2) Free Response essay is due next class.

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