Wednesday, March 12, 2008

March 12: What is Abnormal?, DSM-IV, and Anxiety Disorders

Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note/Psych News. You wrote a new Neuron Note for chapter 16 up to 633. Many Psych News articles were presented: 2B-Julie, Lisa, and Amelia and 3B - Anna and Cassandra.

2) 2B quickly reviewed their Multiple Choice Test on chapter 15.

3) Turn in Work and Return Work. You received your free-responses and other assignments. I collected the Website Assignment and checked you sources for your disorder research. We all got organized.

4) Disorders Creative Project Clarification. We made sure everyone has a disorder to research. Handouts are due next class. Creative Projects are due next week.

5) What is abnormal? We talked about what is normal and what is abnormal. There are three criteria I use when determining if something is a mental disorder:
1. Does it violate cultural norms?
2. Is it harmful for yourself or others?
3. Does it make your life inefficient?

We also talked about labeling and its problems, the DSM-IV, drapetomania, the study of being sane in insane places, and more.

6) Anxiety Disorders. We took notes over four main ones and watched video clips on them.


1) Read and take notes over chapter 16 up to page 653.

2) Research your disorder for the creative project. Bring your handout with all the information on Friday.

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