Friday, March 7, 2008

March7: Review Test/Select Disorders

7-Period Day from yesterday's snow day. Class was only 48 minutes.

Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note/Psych News. No Neuron Note. Psych News will be presented next week.

2) 2B finished their Multiple Choice Test on chapter 15.

3) Review Test. We reviewed the most difficult questions on the chapter 15 test.

4) New Outline! Because of the snow day, I changed the test for chapter 16 and updated the schedule. Make sure you get a copy.

5) Select disorder to research. Each of you will research a selected disorder. The assignment is to make a handout with all sorts of information about this disorder, make something creative related to this disorder, and present it all to class. In class today, you chose your disorder. Over the weekend, start researching it. For our next class on Wednesday, bring 5 sources that you are using to learn about your disorder. Your handout is due next Friday. Your creative project is due on Thursday, March 20th (this is changed from the original assignment).


1) Read and take notes over chapter 16 up to page 633.

2) Research your disorder for the creative project. Bring 5 resources to class on Wednesday.

3) Mental Disorders Websites. This assignment takes you through two great websites on mental illness: the National Institutes of Mental Health website and a website for online diagnoses. Complete the questions and you view them. Due on Wednesday too.

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