Wednesday, March 26, 2008

March 26: Treatment Lecture

Class Activities:

1) Collect UNM $$ and permission slips. If you are not going on the field trip, you will meet in Mrs. Raichur's room (end of the P-Wing Hallway) for class that Tuesday.

2) Neuron Note/Psych News. You wrote a new question and listened to the presentation from Hilary (2B) and Nat (3B).

3) Lecture on Treatment. I explained the five major types of psychotherapy: psychoanalysis, humanism, behavioral, cognitive, and biomedical. While you took notes and watched video clips, I tried to systematically desensitize you to crickets. We looked at them, learned about them, touched them, and a few even ate them. ;)


1) Handout for UNM field trip. Visit the psych department's website and answer questions.

2) Read Chapter 17 over spring break. Test will be the Thursday after spring break.

3) If you are interested in some extra credit, read a book that relates to psychology over the break and write a summary and response (how does it relate to class and the text). Please handwrite your book report.

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