Monday, April 27, 2009

April 27: Chapters 1-18 Test

Class Activities:

1) Announcements: Time to hunker down with the AP Exam. You finished the textbook. High Five! You became the expert in one area of psychology and created a unit outline for your classmates. Now it is time to stay focused, think about all the material, review, review, and review some more!! Lunch Reviews over the units will continue.

2) Chapters 1-18 Multiple Choice Test.

3) Free-Response essay.


STUDY for the AP Exam (May 12th in the afternoon).

Review chapters 1-6 for next class. Chapters 7-14 for Friday. Chapters 15-18 for Tuesday.
Re-read Neuron Notes.
Have someone quiz you on all vocabulary.
Got together with friends and see how many psych concepts you can describe from your life.

April 23: More Social Relations

Class Activities:

1) Psych News. We are almost done!

2) Collected Review Outlines. Awesome! You guys did great and I am so proud of you!

3) Aggression, Attraction, Altruism. I lectured on these final concepts from the book. Nature vs. Nurture with Aggression. What about the crime rate? Beautiful people win! UGH! Love styles.

4) 2004 Free-Response. Just outline them so you can see what they are asking now.


1) Cahpter 1-18 Test is on Monday. STUDY!!

April 21: Social Relations

Class Activities:

1) Psych News. Let's wrap these up! Neuron Note. This is your last chance to ask me a question.

2) Obedience and Confomrity Discussion. What did you think of those video clips of Phil Z.'s Prison Study and Milgram's Obedience study? Remember...people aren't evil...they just follow orders!

3) Prejudice and Discrimination Discussion. What did you think of the brown eyes/blue eyes classroom experience? Wild, huh!? What about prejudice here in Los Alamos? In LAHS? In your lives? Good talk!

4) Free-Response on Social Psych. You can do it!



2) Chapter 1-18 Test is on Monday. STUDY!!

April 17: Social Psych Videos

Class Activities:

My father is in town and so today you have a sub.

1) No Psych News.

2) Talk about your outline with your partner. Send me an email with your outline attached.

3) GOODBYE PHIL Z. You watched the last Philip Zimbardo videos with amazing clips of famous social psych studies - Zimbardo's Prison Study, Milgrim's Obedience Study, Brown Eyes/Blue Eyes.


1) OUTLINES!! Work hard! They are due next Thursday.

2) Chapter 1-18 Test is on Monday, April 27th.

April 15: Social Cognition

Class Activities:

Shortened Class Period...Early Release

Psych News.

2) Announcements. Final Drafts of Review Outlines due on Thursday, the 23rd. I will be gone next class so ask me your questions ASAP. You will watch the videos on the Social Psych experiments next class and I will give you time to meet with your partners to finish up your outlines.

3) Social Cognition Lecture. We looked at many concepts from the year and how they relate to social psychology (i.e. schema). Social thinking is connected to many of the topics we have already mastered. Fundamental Attribution Error happens all the time!!

April 13: Review Test an Start Social Psych

Class Activities:

Psych News.

2) Announcements. You have a unit to become the expert in and you were to get organized over the weekend. It is really important that you work hard on these with your partner. You will be sharing this with everyone and so you need to be thorough.

3) Test Review. People did pretty well on this test and so we didn't spend a lot of time going over the questions.

4) Social Psych Lecture. I explained the difference between psychology/sociology/social psychology.


1) Read Chapter 18.

2) Work on your outlines.

April 9: UNM Field Trip

The bus drove away at 7am and we went to UNM.

Dr. Vince Clark gave us a tour of the MIND Imaging Center. We saw the fMRI, EEG, and new technology with MEG.

Psychology Professor Dr. Hodge and Program Director Trish gave us a nice welcome to the psychology department and all it has to offer. Rachel Nelson, LAHS alum and Psi Chi student, added to the information.

We were not able to visit Dr. Akaysha Tang's rat lab but Dr. Witherington came in and told us his story and what he is researching.

We also visited research labs in the psychology building.

We ate lunch at the SUB.

We attended the Personality lecture of Stephen Alley.


1) Start working on your outline with your buddy.

2) Read chapter 18.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

April 7: Test on Treatment

Class Activities:

1) Announcements: Field Trip on Thursday. See you bright and early (6:45am) in Smith for a fun day at UNM. Then it is time to hunker down with the AP Exam. Chapter 18 is the last chapter. You will create unit outlines for each other over the next few weeks. Stay focused. Start thinking about all the material. Lunch Reviews over the units will begin next week.

2) Chapter 17 Multiple Choice Test.

3) Chapter 17 Free-Response essay...just outline it! :)


1) UNM assignment. Bring the website assignment on the bus on Thursday.

2) Review Outlines. We'll assign the topics for the review outlines on the bus.

Review Outline Selection. You choose the topic you will research, review, and explain on an outline for the rest of class.

April 6: Make-Up the Snow Day

Class Activities:

I am not here today...bummer.

1) Announcements: Test on chapter 17 is tomorrow. Field Trip to UNM is on Thursday.

2) Read about medications for psychological treatment.

3) Last video clips of cognitive treatment and biological treatment.

4) Treatment Free-Response. You had 30 minutes to practice yet another essay!


1) Test on treatment tomorrow.

2) UNM Field Trip on Thursday. Bus leaves at 7am.

March 27: SNOW DAY!

Wild! Snow? No school! Happy Spring Break!

March 25: Treatment Lecture

Class Activities:

This is another shortened day.

1) Collect UNM $$ and permission slips. If you are not going on the field trip, you will meet in here and have a work period.

2) Neuron Note/Psych News. You wrote a new question and listened to news.

3) Lecture on Treatment. I explained the five major types of psychotherapy: psychoanalysis, humanism, behavioral, cognitive, and biomedical. While you took notes and watched video clips, I tried to systematically desensitize you to crickets. We looked at them, learned about them, touched them, and a few even ate them. ;)


1) Handout for UNM field trip. Visit the psych department's website and answer questions.

2) Finish Chapter 17 over spring break. Test will be the Tuesday after spring break.