Thursday, September 10, 2009

September 10: Neurons and the Nervous System

In- Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note. You read answers to your awesome questions and asked a new question related to the brain. Nice work everyone! I also checked your notecards and notes. Many of you are doing

2) Neuron Models. WOW! You guys are super creative! Not one lame neuron model. Whether they were made out of food, clothes, toys, or your own drawings, I hope they helped you learn the parts of the neuron and their function. We got a chance to judge the best ones from each class and I am proud to tell you:
2B's Best Neurons
#1 Josh Dolin's Mr. Potato Head Neuron
#2 Rachel Brown's Poke Neuron
#3 (tie) Molly Willms' Pants and Sarah Story's Forensics Neurons

3B's Best Neurons
#1 Lizzie Wasilewski's Billboard Neuron
#2 Sandy Zerkle's Pez Neuron
#3 (tie) Chloe Reichelt's Studio Audience and Rachel Miller's Music Neurons

3) Neural Transmission. We re-read the section in your book (page 56) on how neurons fire. It is really important that you understand action potential, resting potential, positive/negative ions, refractory periods, excititory/inhibitory signals, etc. Then we went outside and made ourselves into neurons. Some of you were dendrites, cell bodies, axons, axon terminals. I supplied the neurotransmitters (M & Ms) from a axon terminal, then the dendrites "ate" the neurotransmitters until they reached the treshold and told the neuron to fire, positive ions rushed in and negative ions rushed out as the neuron depolarizes and the message was sent down the axon to the terminal branches and the synapse. Then we did it again. Hopefully, it was helpful.

4) Neurotransmitters. We went over the chart on the Neuron Note and the one on page 62 in your book. You must know them! Serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, Ach, glutamate, GABA.

4) Nervous System. You completed the chart of the Nervous System with sticky notes so you can see if you really know those parts and how they are organized. I told my personal stories of CNS and PNS injuries. Morals of those stories: Wear your seat belt and be good to your parents.


Read chapter 2 up to page 75.

2) Study the chapter 2 vocabulary!

3) Don't forget your play-doh for Monday's brain creation

FYI: Chapter 2 test is on Friday, the 19th.

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