Tuesday, September 22, 2009

September 22: Review Brain Test/ Start Nature vs. Nurture

In-Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note. You didn't have answers to read today, but you wrote a new question based on the weekend's textbook reading on behavior genetics, twin studies, and evolutionary psychology.

2) Brain Test Review. I put the test data (distribution, mean, median, mode, standard deviation, histogram, grade scale) on the overhead so you could see how we did as a class as well as how you did in comparison with your classmates. Since many people earned a high scores of 95, 96, 97, and even 98, I did not curve the test. We went over the questions that most students got wrong and you were able to write down the reasoning behind those tricky questions. I also tried to give page numbers so you could look up those concepts again. I did give everyone an extra point for #5. Please read the top paragraph on page 82 to remember that the right temporal lobe is involved in face recognition.

General comments about the trickiest questions: Many of you missed the ones related to the types of neurotransmitters (chart on page 62) and what each hemisphere is specialized in doing.

3) Notetaking Assignment. If your test scores have been below the mean, you are required to improve your notes! I gave you three different methods of notetaking: Cornell, Mind Maps, SQ3R and you can choose. I will check your notes on Thursday.

4) Striking Similarities. We spend the last 10 minutes of class finding similarities and differences between your neighbor and you. Just because you can find striking similarities in identical twins separated at birth, you cannot say it is because of GENES! You found similarities just in 5 minutes of talking with someone you happen to sit next to in class.

5) "Codes for Life" DVD: Amazing studies of twins, discussion of behavior genetics, evolutionary psychology, and environment role.


1) Read chapter 3 pages 116-125.

2) Notetaking systems for those of you with means on the tests lower than 80. Pick a system and use it this chapter! I will be checking each day!

3) Chapter 3 vocabulary notecards (optional)

4) Check Powerschool

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