Monday, September 14, 2009

September 14: Play-Doh Brains

In-Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note. You read the answers and wrote one more good question related to the reading. I think this activity is really working out for us. Make the most of the reviewing.

2) I checked notes and notecards again. I have to say that some of you are settled in and have BEAUTIFUL notes!! :) Some of you are not impressing me with your quality of notes or your lack of notes. You will not make it if you do not keep up with the reading. You might be able to get away with reading the chapter quickly before the test or without the notes now, but it will be VERY sad when we study for the AP test in May. For those of you without notes, I'll check again on Wednesday.

3) Pop Quiz on Ch.2 up to page 85.

4) Play-doh Brains. We made brains using play-doh. We started from the spinal cord, built the brain stem, added the limbic system, and finished with the cerebral cortex. I tried to make it "real." Make sure you know the parts, where they are located and what they do.


1) Read chapter pp..85-93. Hey, you might as well finish it!

2) Study those vocabulary notecards. Come to class with the 5 that are still hard for you.

FYI: TEST on Friday!

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