Thursday, September 3, 2009

September 3: Test on Prologue and Chapter 1

In-Class Activities:

1) Neuron Notes. You didn't need to write a new question, but I gave you the responses from the last class. You had time to read before the test.

2) Animal Research and Ethics. Is it right that some animals suffer for research to help humans? I gave you some background on this issue and you watched a short clip of researchers talking about animal research including Edward Taub whose lab was shut down in the 1980s by PETA. Then we talked about the APA's ethical guidelines for experimentation.

3) Prologue/Chapter 1 Test. You completed your first of 14 multiple choice exams that you will take this year. 100 multiple choice questions in 70 minutes. The questions came from the writers of the textbook, so you should have memorized those first 50+pages. If you were absent, you will take the test at the beginning of class on Tuesday while we go over the correct answers. Please come early so you can get settled and get it completed without missing too much of the rest of class.

3) Brain/Biology Outline. You received the new outline for this next unit. You should use it to get organized. The BRAIN is great! The chapter 2 test will be in two weeks on Friday, September 18...start making those notecards tonight!

Side Note: As you visit Powerschool to check your test score, please think about what you did to prepare for the exam. If you didn't do as well as you thought you would, you need to rethink how you prepared. This is a college-level class with a college-level textbook and college-level tests. You must not only memorize the vocabulary, but make those concepts real. What can you do differently to improve your score for the next test? We will go over the tests on Tuesday and you can use that time to ask questions and learn more about these concepts before we move on. If you did well on the test, find someone who didn't do so hot and help them prepare better for the next test. Not only will you make a friend, but it will help you know the concepts even more as you explain them.


1) Read chapter 2 pp. 57-65

2) Animal Research Taking Sides Readings and Analysis. Should animal research be eliminated? Read both sides of this hot topic and come prepared for a class discussion.

3) Start making those notecards! Mastering the vocabulary early is key since we will use those words throughout the next chapter.

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