Friday, November 21, 2008

Tuesday, November 25: "Don't Forget" Video

I am going to be absent this day. We will be in Arizona visiting my dad who is struggling with his MS. Have a great Thanksgiving break!

1) Neuron Notes. You will write a new question on memory.

2) "Don't Forget" Video. This is a great video on memory from the PBS series, "Scientific American Frontiers." The host Alan Alda participates in many cool experiments on memory.

3) Read Chapter 9. Since everyone is looking tired, you will have the rest of the period to read quietly. Hopefully, you can get chapter 9 completed so you can rest and relax for Thanksgiving.


1) Finish chapter 9.

2) Test on Chapter 9/10 is next Wednesday, December 10.

Friday, November 21: Review Test and Memory Video

1) Neuron Notes. You wrote a new question on memory.

2) Review Learning Test. We went over the tricky questions from the test and I gave you the what pages each question came from so you could see what you need to review. This test was not in order of the chapter so you might have had a harder time, but many of you did well. Both class had over 68% getting As and Bs.

3) Memory Video. Since many of you were not prepared to discuss the articles on free will and there were many absences, we will postpone the Socratic Seminar until after Thanksgiving. Instead we watched a little Philip Zimbardo on memory.


1) Read chapter 9. If you would like to have a relaxing Turkey Break, get it done this weekend.

FYI: The next test will be over chapters 9 and 10. It will be on Wednesday, December 10th.

Wednesday, November 19: Learning Test

Today was a District In-Service Day so the period was shortened but you still had 60 minutes to get the test done. Let me know that was problematic.

1) No Neuron Note questions today but you could read answers.

2) Chapter 8 Test. 100 multiple choice questions on learning. If you were absent, you will take the test at the beginning of class on Thursday while we go over the correct answers.

3) Cognition and Memory Outline. You received the new outline for the next unit. Please get organized. Memory is chapter 9 and Cognition is chapter 10. Plan to read chapter 9 over the weekend and if you feel ambitious, read chapter 10 over Thanksgiving Break.

4) Are Human Actions Determined? You received the articles and handout to analyze two sides of this issue of free will.


1) Start chapter 9.

2) Read the article and complete the handout in preparation for a Socratic Seminar.

Monday, November 17, 2008

November 17: Classical and Operant Conditioning

In-Class Activities:

1) Neuron Notes. You wrote a new question on operant conditioning and read about classical conditioning from last class.

2) Pop Quiz on Chapter 8. I checked notes too and you earned 3 points just for keeping up! Good job! For those of you who are not on top of the reading, get on it!

3) Classical Conditioning. We finished our notes and completed some practice handouts on the UCS --> UCR, NS, CS -->CR. Then we went over everyday examples from advertising, taste aversions, and more.

4) Operant Conditioning. We took notes and made sure everyone understood the difference between reinforcement and punishment, especially NEGATIVE reinforcement. I shared some ideas on the fact that we live in in a world where people need reinforcement and rewards. We talked about extrinsic vs. intrinsic motivation, delay of gratification, procrastination, and more. We finished with going over the schedules of reinforcement.


1) Finish chapter 8 (if you haven't).

2) REVIEW!! The test on Wednesday is just chapter 8. It will be a shortened period since it is a district in-service day, but enough time (60 minutes for the 100 multiple choice test like we always have).

Sunday, November 16, 2008

November 13: Review Test and Start Learning

1) Neuron Notes. You wrote a new question on learning.

2) Review Cumulative Test. We went over the tricky questions from the test and I gave you the what chapter each set of questions came from so you could see what you need to review. many of you did not do well on the last two chapters, 6 and 7. Most of you did better on the first chapters -- this is great! You are learning and it is staying with you! :) Cumulative tests are good to see what you know and you tend to know what is working for you and what isn't when you study now. If you need help with your study habits, see me at lunch! Don't struggle alone!

3) Learning Video. We love Philip Zimbardo! We watched a great review of classical and operant conditioning. Real footage of Pavlov's dogs and Skinner's laboratory with the pigeons! COOL!

4) Classical Conditioning Lecture. We took a few short notes.
CS --> CR


1) Finish chapter 8. Get through the Operant Conditioning section.

2) Test on Chapter 8 is next Wednesday. Not much to this chapter. Know the major types of learning.

November 10: Cumulative Test

1) No Neuron Note questions today but you could read answers.

2) Chapters 1 - 7 Test. 100 multiple choice questions total -- ~15 per chapter, ~30 from Ch.7. Why do we do a cumulative test now? Hopefully, you feel like you know the answers and have learned a lot already in theis class! :) If you were absent, you will take the test at the beginning of class on Thursday while we go over the correct answers.

5) Learning Outline. You received the new outline for the Learning unit. Please get organized. Next week, we'll have some great conversations about Pavlov and Skinner. FYI: This unit is short because it is pretty straightforward. You need to read the chapter but we will not have an activities to do. You need to understnad UCS, UCR, ... positive and negative reinforcement, ...


1) Start chapter 8.

November 6: Consciousness

In-Class Activities:

1) Neuron Notes. You wrote a new question on consciousness.

2) Consciousness Activities Assignment Explained. You can choose between: recording your day dreams, collecting 50 random thoughts from people, analyzing your night dreams, or trying to wake yourself in stage 1 sleep and solve a problem through sleep.

3) Circadian Rhythm. We talked about your body's natural rhythm in a 24-hour period and you watched a video of Michel Siffre who lived in a cave in Texas for 7 months to see what would happen without any time cues (i.e. the moon, sun, etc.).

4) Hypnosis. You watched video clips of people being hypnotized and what they will say/do. Cool!

5) Drugs and Alcohol. You received several short articles on the topics of drugs and alcohol to read including: caffeine, the date rape drug, medical marijuana, drug abuse treatment, and more.


1) Finish chapter 7 (if you haven't).

2) REVIEW!! The test on Monday is cumulative and you should study with someone!

November 4: Review Test/ Start Consciousness

In-Class Activities:

1) Neuron Notes. You wrote a new question on consciousness.

2) Review Test on Sensation and Perception. We went over the tricky questions from the test on chapters 5 & 6. This was a hard test for many of you. I curved the test, making it out of 95. I wonder if the difficulty came from the new content, your preparation, or that this is a busy time of the year for many of you...

3) Consciousness Lecture. We completed a survey on our sleep debt and found that most of you are sleep deprived (and some of you need to go to bed and stop reading this blog!!). We discussed the need to get through all the 5 cycles of a night's sleep in order to get the REM you need to be ready for each day. I lectured about the importance of melotonin, not taking huge afternoon naps (longer than an hour), and more. Hopefully some of you will take the book's advice and just go to bed 15 minutes earlier each night and see how you feel.


1) Read chapter 7.

2) Next test is cumulative -- chpaters 1 through 7.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

October 31: Boo! A Scary Test!

In-Class Activities:

1) No Neuron Note questions or answers today.

3) Collect Sensation/Perception Activity. You shared your experience testing your light-dark adaptation, understanding illusions, or locating your retinal blood vessels. Great job!

4) Chapters 5 and 6 Test. 100 multiple choice questions on the sensation/perception. If you were absent, you will take the test at the beginning of class on Tuesday while we go over the correct answers. Please come early so you can get settled and get it completed without missing too much of the rest of class.

5) Consciousness Outline. You received the new outline for this next unit. Please get organized. Next week, we'll have some great conversations about sleeping and dreaming and how important they are. FYI: The next test will be cumulative; chapter 7 will not have its own separate test but it will be included. Consciousness is one of the smallest parts of the AP exam it is a good time to have a cumulative test over everything we've learned. My suggestion is to focus on Chapter 7 this weekend and the first part of next week. Then, start reviewing those notecards and studying everything next weekend!


1) Read chapter 7 up to page 248.

Since the next test will be cumulative, start reviewing chapters 1-7. It will be Monday, November 10.